사용자 또는 관리자가 응용프로그램 사용에 동의하지 않았습니다 - 이 사용자 및 리소스에 대한 대화형 권한 부여 요청을 보냅니다.

itgroup 2023. 5. 13. 09:27

사용자 또는 관리자가 응용프로그램 사용에 동의하지 않았습니다 - 이 사용자 및 리소스에 대한 대화형 권한 부여 요청을 보냅니다.

우리는 이 CRM 웹 API 프로젝트를 진행하고 있습니다.프로젝트는 Dynamics CRM 온라인 인스턴스에 로그인하고 계정 목록을 가져옵니다.

로그인이 정상적으로 진행되고 있는 것 같습니다.그러나 계정 목록에서 다음 오류가 발생했습니다.

AADSST65001:사용자 또는 관리자가 ID가 'xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx'인 응용 프로그램 사용에 동의하지 않았습니다.이 사용자 및 리소스에 대한 대화형 권한 부여 요청을 보냅니다.추적 ID: e3b360d6-39fb-4e61-87d9-26531f30fd7b 상관 ID: 9b2cff0c-074e-44fe-a169-77c8061a7312 타임스탬프: 2016-10-18 10:12:49Z

권한이 올바르게 설정되어 있습니다.

Azure 권한

뭐가 문제야?

관리자는 권한에 동의해야 합니다.매개 변수를 포함하는 승인 요청을 Azure AD에 해야 합니다.prompt=admin_consent.

여기 문서에서와 같이 프롬프트 매개 변수에는 로그인, 동의 또는 admin_consent의 세 가지 값이 있을 수 있습니다.

따라서 과 같은 URL로 이동해야 합니다.

tenant-id를 Azure AD 테넌트 ID/도메인 이름으로 바꾸거나, 앱이 멀티 테넌트인 경우 공통 이름으로 바꿉니다.app-client-id를 앱의 클라이언트 ID로 바꿉니다.encoded-reply-url을 앱의 URL로 인코딩된 응답 URL로 바꿉니다.

당신이 필요로 하는 URL을 구성하는 더 쉬운 방법은 인증을 거치고 Azure AD를 눌렀을 때 주소 표시줄에 있는 URL을 잡는 것입니다.그러면 그냥 추가.&prompt=admin_consentURL로.

편집: Azure Portal의 최신 업데이트로 포털에서 직접 권한을 부여할 수 있게 되었습니다.

새 포털의 Azure Active Directory로 이동하는 경우 해당 포털에서 앱 등록을 찾은 후 Required 권한 블레이드 아래에서 Grant Permissions(권한 부여)를 클릭합니다.

새 권한 부여 단추

Oauth V2.0.에 따라 새로 고침/액세스 토큰을 생성하기 위해 토큰 API에서 Scope 매개 변수를 다시 보낼 필요가 없습니다.범위를 수동으로 지정할 필요가 없습니다. zero 포털에도 자동으로 나열됩니다.

auth_code에서 상속됩니다. 스코프와 요청을 제거할 수 있습니다. 스코프가 작동해야 하며 access_token을 디코딩하면 인증 중에 요청한 것과 동일한 스코프를 볼 수 있어야 합니다.

ADAL을 사용하는 네이티브 애플리케이션에서 이 오류가 발생했습니다.올바른 권한을 모두 부여했지만 이미 이전 로그인에서 토큰을 받았습니다.제 문제는 이전 토큰이 오래되어 업데이트된 클레임이 포함되지 않았다는 것입니다.저에게 해결책은 PromptBehavior를 사용하는 것이었습니다.아래 코드에 따라 세션을 새로 고칩니다.

   AuthenticationResult result = await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceId, clientId, redirectURI, new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.RefreshSession, false));

MSDN에 따라 PromptBehavior.RefreshSession "(웹 보기 표시를 통해) 리소스 사용을 재인증하여 결과 액세스 토큰에 업데이트된 클레임이 포함되어 있는지 확인합니다.사용자 로그온 쿠키를 사용할 수 있는 경우 사용자에게 자격 증명을 다시 요청하지 않고 로그온 대화 상자가 자동으로 해제됩니다."

저는 이 오류가 갑자기 발생했고 소수의 사용자에게만 발생했습니다.

제 설정은, SPA 앱이 API에 접근하려고 하는 것이었습니다.SPA 앱 등록에서 API 권한을 삭제하고 다시 추가했습니다.효과가 있었습니다.

이 오류는 Azure AD(위임된 권한)에 등록된 응용 프로그램에서 발생하며, 필요한 권한에 대해 사용자 또는 관리자의 동의가 필요합니다.

여기 R을 사용하여 다이내믹 웹 API에서 데이터를 추출하는 솔루션이 있습니다.Dynamics에서 "Advanced Find" 보기에서 필요한 모든 데이터에 대해 Fetch XML을 자동 생성하도록 할 수 있습니다.이 스크립트는 자동 생성된 Fetch XML을 사용하여 원하는 데이터를 추출합니다.

경고:이 웹 API는 사용하기 매우 어렵습니다.이것을 조립하는 데는 많은 연구가 필요했습니다.

여기에 이미지 설명 입력

#~~ Introduction
# Purpose: Download data from Microsoft Dynamics using a fetch XML request
# Created: 2/23/2021
# Modified: 10/1/2021
# Author: Ryan Bradley 
# Resources on this topic:
#~~ First time set up and maintenance 
#.. Encode your active directory user name and password with key ring
# This is only relevant if you need to authenticate through a proxy.
# You will need to install the keyring package and set your active directory user name
# and password. You can run remove the comments from the 4 lines below and run them to
# install the package and set your AD user name and password.
# You will also need to repeat these steps when your active directory information changes.
# install.packages("keyring") 
# library(keyring)
# keyring::key_set("id")
# keyring::key_set("pw")
#.. Get a token to authenticate with Microsoft Dynamics
# 1. Log into the azure portal
# 2. Register a new app
# 3. Generate a client secret on the "Certificates & secrets" page. Save it for later.
# 4. Create an application scope on the "Expose an API" page. 
# 5. Grant the app "user_impersonation" access to "Dynamics CRM (1)"
# 6. Meet with the an Active Directory IT administrator, and have them click
#  "Grand Admin consent for Consumers Energy" on the "API Permissions" page of your app.
# If all those steps worked, you should now be able to authenticate using the code below.

#~~ Hard-coded variables

# Define global setting for importing strings as factors
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#.. Azure App Data
# Found here:

# Azure app ID
# Source: "Overview" tab of your application in the Azure portal
client_id <- "YOUR ID" 

# App name
# Source: "Overview" tab of your application in the Azure portal
app_name <- "MY_APP" # not important for authorization grant flow

# Secret ID
# Source: "Clients & Secrets" tab of your application in the Azure portal
client_secret <- "YOUR SECRET"

# Application ID URI.
# Source: "Expose an API" tab of your application in the Azure portal
application_id_uri = "YOUR URI "

#~~ Load or install packages
# Load or install librarian
if(require(librarian) == FALSE){
  if(require(librarian)== FALSE){stop("Unable to install and load librarian")}

# Load multiple packages using the librarian package
librarian::shelf(tidyverse, readxl, RODBC, lubridate, httr, XML, jsonlite, rlist, httpuv, quiet = TRUE)

#~~  Set up global httr proxy configuration
# This is only needed if you're connecting through a proxy 

# set_config(use_proxy(url="",port= 1234
#                      ,username=keyring::key_get("id")
#                      ,password=keyring::key_get("pw")
#                     )
#             )

#~~ Authenticate with Dynamics

# Use the default Azure endpoints default ones
azure_endpoint <- oauth_endpoints("azure")

# Create the app instance.
myapp <- oauth_app(
  appname = app_name,
  key = client_id,
  secret = client_secret

# Step through the authorization chain:
#    1. You will be redirected to you authorization endpoint via web browser.
#    2. Once you responded to the request, the endpoint will redirect you to
#       the local address specified by httr.
#    3. httr will acquire the authorization code (or error) from the data
#       posted to the redirect URI.
#    4. If a code was acquired, httr will contact your authorized token access
#       endpoint to obtain the token.
mytoken <- oauth2.0_token(azure_endpoint,
                          scope = application_id_uri,
                          cache = str_cache

if (("error" %in% names(mytoken$credentials)) && (nchar(mytoken$credentials$error) > 0)) {
  errorMsg <- paste("Error while acquiring token.",
                    paste("Error message:", mytoken$credentials$error),
                    paste("Error description:", mytoken$credentials$error_description),
                    paste("Error code:", mytoken$credentials$error_codes),
                    sep = "\n"

#~~ Begin making requests

#.. Dynamics API data

# The URL of the Dynamics instace you'd like to connect to
base_url <- ""

# This part of the URL is added on to the base URL to use the web API 
# to send on a fetchxml request
url_add_on <- "?fetchXml="

# XML retrieved by downloading fetch XML from Microsoft Dyanmics using the "Advanced Find" view. 
# You may need to edit the auto-generated XML, it's not always great. Consider making the alias
# something legible, like I did below.
# I copied and pasted the XML into notepad and used find and replace to escape all the quotes.
# " -> \"
# Make sure your "order attribute" XML code is unique to every row in the data set. 
# If it's not, if may cause issues when pulling data with more than 5,000 rows.
xml <- "<fetch version=\"1.0\" output-format=\"xml-platform\" mapping=\"logical\" distinct=\"false\">
  <entity name=\"amendments\">
    <attribute name=\"seasonyear\" />
    <attribute name=\"enrollmenttype\" />
    <attribute name=\"effectivestartdate\" />
    <attribute name=\"effectiveenddate\" />
    <attribute name=\"contractstartdate\" />
    <attribute name=\"contractenddate\" />
    <attribute name=\"program\" />
    <attribute name=\"programduration\" />
    <attribute name=\"programtype\" />
    <attribute name=\"kwnominations\" />
    <attribute name=\"renewalkw\" />
    <attribute name=\"newkw\" />
    <attribute name=\"account\" />
    <attribute name=\"ownerid\" />
    <attribute name=\"amendmentsid\" />
    <attribute name=\"statuscode\" />
    <attribute name=\"statecode\" />
    <attribute name=\"amendment\" />
    <attribute name=\"name\" />
    <order attribute=\"amendmentsid\" descending=\"false\" />
    <link-entity name=\"salesorder\" from=\"salesorderid\" to=\"order\" visible=\"false\" link-type=\"outer\" alias=\"sales\">
      <attribute name=\"datecontractapproved\" />
    <link-entity name=\"account\" from=\"accountid\" to=\"account\" visible=\"false\" link-type=\"outer\" alias=\"account\">
      <attribute name=\"accountmanager\" />
      <attribute name=\"accountnumber\" />
      <attribute name=\"statecode\" />

# Encode the XML into a URL
url_xml <- URLencode(xml)

# Set the dynamics entity/table you wish to use. 
# Entities = Dynamics tables, and attributes = Dynamics columns
# NOTE: MUST BE PLURAL. If your entity is "contact" then put "contacts" and if
# your entity already ends in "s" try adding "es." Example -> amendments -> amendmentses
# You should be able to find the entity name in the first or 2nd line of an auto-generated
# XML. Example:   <entity name=\"amendments\">
dynamics_entity <- "amendmentses"

# Create a Web API query URL
url_fetch <- paste0(base_url, dynamics_entity, url_add_on, url_xml)
# url_fetch

# Send GET request. 
resp <- GET(url = url_fetch
            , config(token = mytoken)
            , add_headers(Prefer = "odata.include-annotations=\"*\"") # This header is required to get legible text returned along with a paging cookies (if applicable)

#.. Check for a valid API response
if(http_error(resp) == TRUE){
  print("Authentication error, unable to proceed.")
} else {
  # Convert the hexadecimal content response to a string
  resp_json <- rawToChar(resp[["content"]])
  # Decode the JSON response
  resp_list <- fromJSON(resp_json)
  # Extract the data frame values into a stand-alone data frame
  df_data_raw <- resp_list[["value"]]
  # Extract paging cookie data (This is only passed if there is more than 1 page of results.
  # by default an API query is limited to 5000 rows, so any extra rows are on additional 
  # pages that need to be queried.)
  paging_cookie_resp <- resp_list[["@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.fetchxmlpagingcookie"]]
  # Check for a paging cookie
  if(length(paging_cookie_resp) == 0){
    print("No paging cookie returned, only one page of results.")
  } else {
    print("Retrieving multiple pages of results.")
    # Set the starting page number
    page_number <- 1
    # Create a variable to determine when we've found the last page of data
    last_page_found <- FALSE
    while(last_page_found == FALSE){
      #.. Retrieve multiple pages of results (only applies to data sets with > 5,000 rows)
      # Split the paging cookie data into a list
      lst_paging_cookie_resp <- str_split(paging_cookie_resp,"\"")
      # Retrieve the double-URL-encoded paging cookie
      encoded_paging_cookie <- lst_paging_cookie_resp[[1]][4]
      # The paging cookie is DOUBLE url-encoded, so you first need to decode it TWICE. (What a pain this was to figure out)
      decoded_paging_cookie <- URLdecode(URLdecode(encoded_paging_cookie))
      # Split the de-coded paging cookie data into a list (so we can extract the page number)
      lst_decoded_paging_data <- str_split(decoded_paging_cookie,"\"")
      # If the paging cookie comes in double-quotes, remove the the quotes at the 
      # beginning and end of the string
      decoded_paging_cookie <- str_remove(decoded_paging_cookie,"^\"")
      decoded_paging_cookie <- str_remove(decoded_paging_cookie,"\"$")
      # Replace any special characters with their HTML equivalents 
      decoded_paging_cookie <- str_replace_all(decoded_paging_cookie,"&","&amp;")
      decoded_paging_cookie <- str_replace_all(decoded_paging_cookie,"<","&lt;")
      decoded_paging_cookie <- str_replace_all(decoded_paging_cookie,">","&gt;")
      decoded_paging_cookie <- str_replace_all(decoded_paging_cookie,"\"","&quot;")
      # URI encode to the paging cookie (This must be done so the API can receive it)
      URI_encoded_paging_cookie <- encodeURIComponent(decoded_paging_cookie)
      # Increment the page number by 1
      page_number = page_number + 1
      # Create a URL-encoded fetch-XML header that we can add into the existing the URL-encoded XML that 
      # We originally sent to the API
      xml_header <- "paging-cookie=\"PutPagingCookieHere\" page=\"PutPageNumberHere\" distinct="
      url_encoded_xml_header <- URLencode(xml_header)
      # Splice in the URI-encoded paging cookie and page number
      url_encoded_xml_header <- url_encoded_xml_header %>%
        str_replace("PutPagingCookieHere",URI_encoded_paging_cookie) %>%
      # We now have the paging cookie and page number in the appropriate URL and URI encoded formats. 
      # We can now splice this extra information into the XML header of our original API request. 
      new_url_xml <- str_replace(url_xml,"distinct=",url_encoded_xml_header)
      # Create a new Web API query URL with the updated XML data
      url_fetch <- paste0(base_url, dynamics_entity, url_add_on, new_url_xml) 
      # url_fetch
      # Retrieve the next page of data
      resp <- GET(url = url_fetch
                  , config(token = mytoken)
                  , add_headers(Prefer = "odata.include-annotations=\"*\"") # This header is required to get legible text returned
      # Check for an error returned in the response
      if(http_error(resp) == TRUE){
        print("Error while retrieving 2nd page of results, unable to proceed.")
        last_page_found <- TRUE
      } else {
        # Convert the hexadecimal content response to a string
        resp_json <- rawToChar(resp[["content"]])
        # Decode the JSON response
        resp_list <- fromJSON(resp_json)
        # Extract the data frame values into a stand-alone data frame
        df_data_raw_next_page <- resp_list[["value"]]
        # The API only returns columns that hold data. To make sure our columns match, 
        # we need to add any columns missing from either data frame to the other data frame
        # so we can join them.
        # Add any columns missing from the original data frame to the new one
        prev_page_names <- names(df_data_raw)  # Vector of columns you want in this data.frame
        missing <- setdiff(prev_page_names, names(df_data_raw_next_page))  # Find names of missing columns
        df_data_raw_next_page[missing] <- NA                    # Add them, filled with NA results
        # Add any columns missing from the new data frame to the original one
        next_page_names <- names(df_data_raw_next_page)  # Vector of columns you want in this data.frame
        missing <- setdiff(next_page_names, names(df_data_raw))  # Find names of missing columns
        df_data_raw[missing] <- NA                    # Add them, filled with NA results
        # Append these rows onto the original data frame and
        # filter out any extra rows from the join
        df_data_raw <- df_data_raw %>%
          rbind(df_data_raw_next_page, use.names=TRUE) %>%
          filter(`@odata.etag` != "TRUE") %>%
        # Extract paging cookie data (This is only passed if there is more than 1 page of results.
        # by default an API query is limited to 5000 rows, so any extra rows are on additional 
        # pages that need to be queried.)
        paging_cookie_resp <- resp_list[["@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.fetchxmlpagingcookie"]]
        # Note if we're on the last page of results so we exit the loop
        if(nrow(df_data_raw_next_page) < 5000){
          last_page_found <- TRUE 
        } else {
          print(paste0("Page ",page_number," retrieved, retrieving page ", page_number + 1))
  #.. Clean the returned column names
  # Keep formatted columns only, removing the non-formatted versions from the data frame.
  # The API gives 2 versions of each formatted column, a formatted version and a non-formatted version with the GUID.
  # We only want the formatted version, since that's readable to the human eye. We don't want a GUID.
  # Set the starting index to 1
  i <- 1
  # Loop over the columns in the data frame
  while(i <= length(names(df_data_raw))){
    # Extract the current column name
    str_col_name <-names(df_data_raw)[i]
    # print(paste0("Cleaning column ",i," - ",str_col_name))
    # Proceed if we have a column returned
    if( == FALSE){
      # Check for unwanted meta data columns we can remove
      condition_1 <- grepl("@Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM",str_col_name, = TRUE)
      condition_2 <- grepl("Display.V1.AttributeName",str_col_name, = TRUE)
      condition_3 <- grepl("@odata_etag",str_col_name, = TRUE)
      condition_4 <- grepl("@odata.etag",str_col_name, = TRUE)
      # Check to see if an unwanted column has been found
      if(condition_1 | condition_2 | condition_3 | condition_4){
        # Remove the column
        df_data_raw <- df_data_raw %>%
        # Reset the index since a column was removed
        i <- 0
      } else {
        # Check to see if it's formatted column
        if(grepl("@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue",str_col_name, = TRUE)){
          # Extract the base column name by removing the huge suffix "@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue"
          str_base_col <- str_replace(str_col_name,"@OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue","")
          # Remove the base column if it exists (leaving us with only the formatted version of 
          # the column, not the original version of it.)
          df_data_raw <- df_data_raw %>%
          # Reset the index since a column was removed
          i <- 0
        } else {
          str_base_col <- str_col_name
        # Remove any prefixes or suffixes from the column name
        str_new_col <- str_replace(str_base_col,"_","") # Remove "_" prefix
        str_new_col <- str_replace(str_new_col,"^_","") # Remove "_" prefix
        str_new_col <- str_replace(str_new_col,"\\.","_") # Replace any periods with an underscore
        str_new_col <- str_replace(str_new_col,"_value$","") # Remove "_value" suffix
        # Re-name the old column name to the new one
        df_data_raw <- df_data_raw %>%
          rename(!!str_new_col := all_of(str_col_name))
        # If this is a character column that has the word "date" in it attempt to convert it to the 
        # a date-type column. 
        if(grepl("date",str_new_col, = TRUE) & typeof(df_data_raw[,i]) == "character"){
          print(paste0("Attempting to convert ",str_new_col," to a date format."))
          # Attempt to assign the proper data type
          df_data_raw <- df_data_raw %>%
            mutate(attempt_mdy = mdy(!!as.symbol(str_new_col))) 
          # If we had at least 1 successful conversion, convert the
          # column to the date format
          if(sum($attempt_mdy) == FALSE) > 0){
            df_data_raw <- df_data_raw %>%
              mutate(!!as.symbol(str_new_col) := attempt_mdy)
          # Drop the attempt_mdy column
          df_data_raw <- df_data_raw %>%
    # Move up the index to the next column
    i <- i + 1
  # Select desired columns
  df_data <- df_data_raw %>%
    select(contract_account_number = account_accountnumber       
           , program_duration = programduration
           , contract_start_date = contractstartdate
           , contract_end_date = contractenddate
           , season_year = seasonyear
           , state_code = statecode
           , status_code = statuscode
           , account
           , account_state_code = account_statecode
           , program
           , name
           , kw_new = newkw
           , kw_renewal = renewalkw
           , kw_nomination = kwnominations
           , account_manager = account_accountmanager
           , contract_approval_date = sales_datecontractapproved
           , enrollment_type = enrollmenttype
           , effective_start_date = effectivestartdate
           , effective_end_date = effectiveenddate
           , owner = ownerid
           , program_type = programtype
           , amendment
           , amendment_id = amendmentsid
  # Set numeric data types
  df_data <- df_data %>%
    # Remove commas
    mutate(season_year = gsub(",","",season_year)
           , kw_new = gsub(",","",kw_new)
           , kw_renewal = gsub(",","",kw_renewal)
           , kw_nomination = gsub(",","",kw_nomination)) %>%
    # Convert to numeric values
    mutate(season_year = as.numeric(season_year)
           , kw_new = as.numeric(kw_new)
           , kw_renewal = as.numeric(kw_renewal)
           , kw_nomination = as.numeric(kw_nomination))
  # Add a load_date_time column
  df_data$load_date_time <- Sys.time()

모든 권한을 부여합니다.스크린샷에 표시된 것과 같은 여러 드롭다운을 찾을 수 있습니다.

각 드롭다운 항목에는 서로 다른 자격 증명을 참조하는 확인란이 여러 개 있습니다.각각 확인해보면 괜찮아요.

언급URL :
